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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  March 29, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. [ cheering and applause ] >> we are out of time, thank you everyone. "fox news @ night" with trace gallagher is next. i'm greg gutfeld and i love you, america. >> trace: good evening i'm trace gallagher. 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". raking tonight, a fox news exclusive, riding along with an elite team of iced deportation
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agents and how they arrest some of the most dangerous a legal immigrants entering the country. we are talking about gang members and child rapists and that is just a single day in massachusetts which is a very stark illustration of just how bad the migrant crime situation is and how horrific crimes like lakin riley's murder seem almost inevitable. senior national correspondent kevin corke live in dc with the remarkable video as well as the brand-new information. >> reporter: good evening, you no doubt have seen the photos and obviously heard about their alleged crimes. set apart from the millions who would come to this entry out of sheer desperation. these illegal migrants have allegedly ravaged the very country that they claim they want to be a part of. thefts, assault, rape and as you mentioned even in the case of lakin riley, murder. but tonight i.c.e. is tightening it's creep -- grip with an elite team of deportation officers seen here in boston, hunting
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down the depraved among us. today arresting four alleged child rapists and a gang member. an illegal alien from guatemala for example charged with aggravated child rape. a columbia national charged with the rape of a child. and a gang member from el salvador charged with a slew of violent crimes. a little bit later authorities arrested a brazilian man charged with five counts of aggravated rape of a child. in all, five men are from five different countries. >> how are you guys not notified about a child rapist being released? >> unfortunately in massachusetts that's how it is. every day up here, those are the threats we want to get off the street. it was a great day, five public safety threats that won't victimize anyone else. >> reporter: strong work by our colleague bill on that
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exclusive right along. we should point out as well, authorities in texas arrested 70 more illegal aliens who stormed the l paso border, assaulted national guard troops in the process during that siege. just the latest example i think it's fair to say of a border state defending itself because at least in the view of texas, the feds are either incompetent or incapable of doing so. >> trace: or just have no desire to do it at all. kevin corke live in dc, thank you. let's bring an republican candidate from u.s. senate. great to have you on the show. i want to play a soundbite from the boston director of i.c.e. because he says they go out in the field every day and they make these types of choices. watch. >> are we going after the child rapist today or that two times deported fentanyl dealer, because we, it both. >> trace: they can't get both and that's the problem, they don't have the resources to get both and quite frankly there's a
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big concern which is part of the reason you are running for senate, there's a big concern about whether the federal government even as the want to go out into both. >> well we know that they could do it because we saw that it was under control, you know, four or five years ago. they don't want to do it, you are right. as a mom, that sent a chill down my spine, that these agents, they have to choose between going after child predators or people who are peddling the most deadly drug we've ever seen in our country, fentanyl, which can kill you when you take one pill. and so it's horrifying. we are right at ground zero in arizona. we've seen a record number of border crossings in the last few months and these people are being allowed into our country unvented. they are dangerous and this reed you just showed us, there's a child rapist sitting in the back of that vehicle. and you know who's to blame is joe biden and frankly my democrat opponent who has allowed this to happen. they are failing to secure the border, they are against of the
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border wall and frankly there's only one person to blame and that's joe biden and his team of enablers in the democrat party. >> trace: the new york post rights, texas authorities have arrested 70 additional migrants on charges related to the march 21st incident in which they overran and assaulted national guard troops in an attempt to rush the border at l paso. i know this is not your state but it really puts them in a pickle because they know the federal government does not want to protect the border and the courts are saying they can't protect the border, but they are saying we have to protect our people. what would you do if that was your state in that situation? >> well when i ran for governor i wrote the playbook and how to do it with my defend arizona border policy which was basically, here's the constitution, article one section ten clause three, when we have an invasion in the federal government is failing us, the governors have the ability to secure their border and take any means necessary to do that.
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i'm happy that we are seeing some action in texas but guess what, that means more people are pouring across in arizona. when they see, when these cartels and these invaders see video like you just showed, where they are able to just storm the border, run roughshod over the officials, what does that tell the cartels? it tells them that the cartels are in control, not the american military, not the american officials, and that just tells them to keep on pushing people in and that's exactly what they are going to do until we get serious about this and start detaining these people immediately and sending them back, deporting them immediately >> trace: yeah, that's exactly right, that's exactly what they are going to do and we have the evidence to prove it. great to have you want, thank you and happy easter. meantime we are getting new information about the details of president biden's lucrative fundraiser last night that biden attended hours after former president trump paid his respects to a murdered nypd officer just a few miles away.
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live in new york city with what we are learning, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, the biden campaign calls it the most successful fundraiser in american history with the help of former presidents obama and clinton. president biden raked in a record-setting $26 million for his reelection campaign. the star-studded event included performances by queen latifah and liz oh in front of a sold-out crowd of 5000 democratic supporters packing radio city music hall. the late show host even colbert moderated. >> first question for you, president biden, how would you describe what that steak in this election? >> i think our democracy is at stake. not a joke. i think democracy is really at stake. >> reporter: the armchair discussion was interrupted multiple times by pro- palestinian protesters in the crowd. while hundreds more marched outside the famed theater. >> shame on you, joe biden!
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shame on you! shame on you! >> reporter: currently the biden campaign leads trump's in fundraising efforts. last month biden steam brought in $53 million compared to trump's $22 million but the presumptive republican nominee does lead in the latest fox presidential polls showing trump up five points ahead of mr biden. trump was also here in new york yesterday, the only of the four presidents to attend the wake of murdered new york police officer , the young husband and father shot and killed in the line of duty by a suspected repeat offender just released on parole. for a second time today, thousand stood in line to pay tribute to the fallen officer at a wake. his funeral is scheduled for tomorrow morning. >> trace: live in new york, thank you. let's bring an republican strategist and attorney along
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with princeton university political scientist. thank you for coming on. you know, you kind of looked back, rewind the clock for months and we were aghast at anybody who would gather and protest against israel. and now they are so common and not only is it common but they are moving some of these polling numbers and they are pulling biden along with them. >> you are right. i think this is a new age democrat voting block it doesn't represent the working man. are a threat to democracy and they are for terrorist organizations like hamas. biden has this voting block that's very anti-american but i have to say i think the american people are being brainwashed by this left media that continues to say hamas is a victim just because israel is pushing back with it's mighty force and power. i will look at some of this polling coming out today. it was just said that about 58% of americans don't believe that israel is justified in pushing
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back so i think this is a very small minority of people that are protesting outside this lucrative fundraiser for joe biden. >> trace: but you talk about polls, it's interesting because the washington post says the following, particularly ominous for biden and other democrat is not just the fact of the protesters in your constant disruptions but what it could portend in november. many of the protesters have emerged from the ranks of their liberal base including young voters. and then you go on to bring up the research, just talking about these polls, those who say israel's reason for fighting hamas are valid, look at the 18-29 -year-olds. thirty-eight% say israel -- 62% or somewhere in between, they just don't think that this is a valid fight, which is really astounding in 2024. >> will these figures in the democratic party have been trending this way for the last ten years. it's been very concerning.
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it is just reached its height lately in the wake of october seventh. i would say the good news for joe biden, because look, he absolutely cannot do anything to change the minds of or appease this hamas sympathetic small radical wing of the democratic party but the good news is, they are small and it will sound very cynical but when it comes to young voters 18-29, they are the least likely to turn out when you look at their voting behavior. and so he would be making a tremendous mistake if he kept pivoting leftward because of politics. i don't think it's driven by that. i think genuinely the white house has made a policy shift in the direction of a cease-fire, which they said they would not do at the beginning. but it is a small radical group and i doubt it's going to change anything in the big picture. >> trace: biden's one arizona back in 2020 and a look at his job performance in arizona right
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now. 's approval rate at 43%. i mean 43% is awful to say the least. >> it is but again, biden is hemorrhaging is main block of voters. you are continuing to sea voters that traditionally voted for joe biden the of that base because we cannot afford his economy. it's too hard, too difficult to achieve the american dream. americans are working harder, working smarter. they are able to achieve less so we are grappling with a crippling economy and then on top of that look at the national security crisis. a legal immigrants continue to cross our border and biden has yet to lift a finger and sign that executive order that he promised he would do when he was visiting the border. >> trace: and out pennsylvania, lastly to you, lauren, look at his approval number there. approval at 45% in pennsylvania, 19 electoral votes in pennsylvania, some say he loses pa, he loses everything.
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final thoughts? >> he's completely dependent on pennsylvania and other swing states that he won last time around. i would just say that this is a problem democrats have had for a long time, to continue my previous thought. they've been hemorrhaging working-class voters across every demographic descriptor and that is something that congressional races also have to deal with up and down the ballot. if trump stays quiet and lets people think was i better off four years ago? that will be good for him but frankly donald trump is pretty alienating to a lot of people too so it's not a foregone conclusion this will be a very tight race be when it's going to be tight, we know that, but boy pennsylvania is really one of those linchpins and it is very close. great to have you both on, thank you. the headlines are consistently highlighting violence in new york city but mayor eric adams on the one hand
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says crime is not out of control. on the other hand he says the city cannot protect people. merry and rafferty is live with more on why the mayor is playing both sides. >> reporter: good evening trace. new york city's mayor says the numerous random acts of violence across the city does not mean that crime is out of control. despite a week of violence in the city which includes a man shoved to his death on the subway and women posting about been punched at random while just walking down the street. the tragic shooting death of nypd officer jonathan taylor allegedly at the hands of a convicted felon and repeat offender. a mayor pointing to recidivism and the need for better treatment for mental illness as causes for the citywide crime spike. adams appeared on the radio show and got into a heated argument with a lawyer who seems to be downplaying the seriousness of an officer killed in the line of duty. listen. >> in the same breath we want to highlight and point out an officer was killed the other day which is a rare occurrence across the united states let
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alone in new york. new york police officers have killed at least seven people this year including a 19-year-old, killed in 19-year-old in queens yesterday. >> i'm not going to dismiss the loss of a life of an innocent person that wears a uniform to protect -- >> but you do -- >> a rare occurrence. >> reporter: to combat the sporadic violence in the subways, the city has posted national guard troops on more police officers and is planning a pilot program for body scanners that can search for weapons. adams sang a search for the best technology for that is underway right now and he hopes to have them up and running in the next 90 days. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in former san bernardino sheriff's deputy and former fbi special agent nicole parker. thank you for coming on. i want to play specifically for megan because you were a law-enforcement officer who nearly lost her life by a criminal. this woke defense attorney you just saw, nicole you probably saw this too, saying what's the big deal, a cop was killed, i mean they killed seven other
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people. play it again and then i will get your response. >> in the same breath we want to highlight and point out an officer was killed the other day, which is a rare occurrence across the united states but let alone in new york. new york police officers of killed at least seven people this year. >> trace: the theme seems to be if you kill a police officer, meh, but if you kill a criminal, maybe it should be a one for one trade. it's astounding for someone to say nine yet they say it. >> this one hits too close to home for me. i was nearly murdered by a criminal who had no regard for my life, did not matter that i was a parent. jonathan diller's life mattered and his widow and trotter sitting at home without him and this lady who has no idea what it's like to be a police officer, there's a war raging against our cops right now. every 23 hours in our country a police officer is shot in the line of duty so for her to say
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we are sensationalizing a husband and father being murdered, i would love to have her go on a ride along and experience what our police officers have to deal with. it's people like her, these crazy ideas that are aiding and abetting this war on our police officers. >> trace: nicole and know you've talked about people you have been close to in the fbi who were also killed. i want to play some sound of mayor eric adams because he says that his city is not out of control, that's the first part, but then he goes on to say that the city is losing so many of it's safety infrastructure people that it really cannot protect people. watch. >> we hear this over and over again, the city is out of control. it's just not true. losing correctional officers, losing district attorney's, we are losing police officers, we are losing probation officers, we are losing school safety agents. every piece of our public safety apparatus. >> trace: you can't keep or lose the safety apparatus and
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maintain the peace, nicole. >> correct. first of all it like to say thank you to megan for her service to our country. my heart goes out to her because her life was almost taken and i would like to say thank you to you for your service and all of your colleagues and all of the police officers out there nationwide tonight and always. when you are losing the backbone of those that are supposed to keep your city and county safe, that's a serious problem. there's a reason people are leaving law enforcement in droves. they do not feel supported, they do not feel protected and criminals have more rights and protections than the law enforcement officers. how is that even possible in our country? that has got to change. people need to wake up, this is not okay and people need to be electing public officials on the local level specifically will back the blue first and foremost when you put your life on the line every single day, that should come with a certain amount of respect. >> trace: and when you talk about electing people who have
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the power to change this whole thing, george here in los angeles, la county da is one of those. he said this a few weeks ago. watch. >> we are in a much better place today than we were four years ago. we are dealing with violence but it has come down which indicates that the work that we are doing doesn't cause crime to go up. >> trace: that's him a couple of weeks ago. we got the new stats and guess what, put them up on the screen, violent crime up 2.9%, robberies up 9.5, homicides 20 -- robberies with firearms up almost 3 percent. gang-related robberies up 5 plus percent, motor vehicle theft up 6 percent, he is lying to people, he's lying, he knows he is and yet people will believe him. >> that's the really scary thing. right now he is looking to come the reelect in november and i think if you look at the statistics, yes homicides are out of control, the robberies,
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but these are all people who have been victimized by his criminal justice system that he's supposed to be protecting. is the number 1 elected official in the district attorney's office and he's failing to protect his own people. when you couple his policies with handcuffing the police that they can't even do their job, people wonder why la county is a third world country. >> trace: nicole, i've got about 25 seconds for you to wrap us up with your thoughts. >> many cities nationwide are saying our violent crime rate is really not that bad. that's just what the media is saying. while i disagree with that strongly first of all and second of all, perception is reality. if the members of your community do not feel safe leaving their homes and going about their days that is a problem in your city is not safe. i lived in new york city, it's a completely different city now than it was when i live there. i was there under giuliani and bloomberg. it was safe. it is not safe now. >> trace: and the media is not making up these numbers. these crime stats. we are not just pulling these out of thin air. these are legitimate crime stats
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and george is not being honest about what's happening here and nor are other far left das. megan mccarthy, nicole parker, great to have you on and he -- happy easter. coming up, 102-year-old man in oakland, he's 102, at his fence vandalized and tagged with graffiti and the city is telling the man to either clean the graffiti or you will get an 1100-dollar fine. later in the nightcap, our stage manager went to a sports bar in los angeles and when he got the tab there was a three-dollar city utility charge on it. when he asked what it was for they said we have to keep the lights on, the tv zone. is it fine for bars and restaurants to charge you a tax to keep the television on? would you pay it? would you go back? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. meantime 8:21 on the west coast, fox news and night trip across america. first a look at so like city,
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utah. just up the road deer valley just extended the ski season by an extra week. onto south bend, indiana where the university of notre dame has the oldest college banned in the nation. not to mention touchdown jesus. finally a live look at florence south carolina. did you know south carolina produces more peaches than the peach state, georgia? if you can join us live don't forget to set your dvr and watch us any time. we are coming right back. [♪♪] [♪♪] launch the bare minimum. anti-dandruff shampoo made with only nine ingredients - no sulfates, silicones or dyes and packaged with 45% less plastic - giving you outstanding dandruff protection and leaving hair beautiful and moisturized. major dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done. new head & shoulders bare.
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: 1 year now since wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich was imprisoned on -- in russia on spy charges. the u.s. and his employer strongly denied tonight a look at what's being done to bring him home. we are live and what is now early morning in london.
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good morning. >> reporter: good morning. as you mentioned, in the early hours of saturday morning here in london, evan gershkovich, friday marked the one-year anniversary since his arrest and still no trial has been said. president biden was pressed on the grim milestone. >> do you have a message for evan gershkovich and his family today? [ inaudible ] >> not going to give up. >> reporter: the 32-year-old reporter spent 365 days locked in a cell only able to stretch his legs in a small courtyard for one hour per day. he was arrested last march will on a work trip in russia accused of being a spy although no evidence has been provided. on top of 12 months behind bars, this week a moscow court extended his sentence by another three months. russian president vladimir putin said last month that evan could be a part of a future prisoner
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swap but the white house is that russia rejected its recent exchange offer. his family spoke to fox about how difficult this year has been. >> we look for signs that evan is okay and he's doing well. he has a lot of little mannerisms and we just notice all of his expressions, his smiles, it's incredible. he's holding on and he's so strong. >> reporter: such strength and another american who was also jailed in russia accused of espionage is this former marine paul whalen who was arrested in 2018. >> trace: live in london, thank you. [♪♪] [♪♪] the "fox news @ night" commonsense department things when the mamas and the papas saying california dreaming they never envision stories like those of carlos and victor.
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the dream was to work a print shop in los angeles until one night a fugitive ran into the shop and attacked him. he got out, the swat team showed up and after two dozen rounds of teargas, a full on red and some strong armed maneuver's the fugitive was captured. but the shop was destroyed. he assumed the destroyers would also be the fixers, but not having terrorism insurance meant the repair bill was his. 's leaves are not brown, is guy is not great but instead of being safe and warm in la, he now prints out of a cold garage. is california dream on hold. then there's oakland, california has victor. 102 years old when his fence was vandalized with graffiti. he was told by the city to scrub it clean, painted over or pay an 1100-dollar fine. he chose option two. he in his wheelchair made his deadline but a city utility box just yards away sits painted by
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vandals in perpetuity. commonsense knows these are just two tales from the millions who abound in -- abandon brown leaves and gray skies to get down on bended knee only to see their california dream killed in a barrage of bureaucracy. let's bring in california policy center attorney. great to have you on. victor was on the show last night and here's how he explains that he was on the hook for the damages. >> the judge said that he was going to rule it without our presence and in fact we thought it was a good sign. but then he ruled that the swat team is immune to it. >> trace: the government can and does ruin people all the time. it's one of those things were you think wow this is why they need to be held in check and why they need to have protections
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for people like carlos. >> this is really scary and it's a polity -- policy decision. the lapd, the mayor, the city could have decided to pay them and $60,000 after they destroyed his business, but instead they chose to pay attorneys to fight him in court. and so the decision says that the fifth amendment, you know, it protects us from the government taking our property without just compensation, and the court said yeah but not in cases of criminal investigation. so what this means is basically the swat team can come and mow through your house if you are not even involved in a crime and then not compensate you for destroying your house. they have institute for justice is representing the man and they are appealing this and i have full faith and them that they will create a better law on this issue. >> trace: but again it's one of those things where the fact that you have to go through the appeal process, the fact that this guy who doesn't have any money to be able to fight or defend himself is like, he's trying to fight -- you can't fight city hall. >> you are looking at a woman
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who does while her notice of appeal yesterday in the county of los angeles so i understand. >> trace: it's crazy. now onto the 102-year-old man. here's his family, order to pay the fence or pay $1100 and here he is along with his family. >> it was so absurd is like a joke. >> i will be 103 and two months. slowing down a little bit. >> it's hard to keep up with it. as soon as we painted it will be graffitied on again. it won't last. it's hard to understand where our tax dollars are going. they can't answer 911 but can come out and harass you about a fence. >> trace: very true. your thoughts? >> i can't even believe this is our reality. oakland, this is again a policy choice, they could pay for police, they could prosecute crime, they could focus on, i don't know, may be doing something to prevent the vandalism, but instead they are holding a 102-year-old man responsible to pay to fix what
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vandals did to his home. it's really disgusting. >> trace: i want to play this because this is an 89 holocaust survivor who was heckled at the berkeley sitter kept -- city council meeting by pro- palestinian protesters. lay this and will have a quick response. >> horrendous surge in anti-semitism. truths are under existential threat. the invasion on hamas which broke a cease-fire -- led to the murder of 1200 israelis and the brutal torture and rape of women -- >> lies! [ simultaneous talking ] >> trace: telling a holocaust survivor that october 7th never happened. just a few seconds for you but it's crazy. >> i can't even response to that but i will say one might expect berkeley to be radical and crazy , maybe that's to be
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expected. that's especially sick and depraved though. but the problem we have now is we have our governor asking for a cease-fire because he's now pandering to these radical leftists. >> trace: it's crazy. great to see you as always, happy easter, thank you. the u.s. navy asking lawmakers for more than 2 billion in funding after congress failed to pass a defense spending bill for nearly six months. officials say short-term spending deals are limiting certain military operations. the request comes as china bolsters it's see fleet and ramps up aggression in that region. here's the chief national security correspondent. >> reporter: for the second time this month, chinese warships encircled a philippine supply boat using water cannons to blast the vessel in the south china sea. the outgoing head of the u.s. military in the pacific warned congress china's military is getting more aggressive. >> things are trending in the wrong direction. they are continuing to develop their military machine, despite an economy that has significant
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problems. their actions are becoming much more belligerent. >> reporter: with tensions rising in the south, china and read seas, the navy's top leaders have presented congress with a 2.2 billion-dollar wishlist. thirteen items they say are needed due to congress' repeated delays, continuing resolutions to defense funding bill since october, and to the house republicans blocking the supplemental bill to fund ukraine, taiwan and israel's defense needs. >> essentially operating under cr is like operating with one arm tied behind your back, you are just not able to do it effectively. >> reporter: the wishlist includes $92.9 million to buy more missiles for the navy's depleted fifth fleet which is based more than 100 houthi attacks since october. >> if the supplemental is passed i will tell you that also resupplies the weapons that i have fired in the red sea but a lot of that goes to the industrial base. >> reporter: with an eye on global adversaries the navy also wants $50 million to buy four
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long-range submarine launched torpedoes designed to sink deep diving nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers. the navy also wants $403 million for the u.s. submarine industrial base, something republican lawmakers put into the stalled ukraine funding bill. >> trace: jennifer, thank you. coming up, easter weekend, why church attendance is he -- sinking to historic lows. and a story of survival, i would teenage girl managed to crawl out of this car. and can you imagine coming home to this? nothing like being greeted by a bunch of wild animals in your front yard. the days best viral videos are next. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: first up into nights real news roundup, new finding show marilyn governor appointed a dei consultant with no substantive maritime experience is one of the six members on the maryland port commission just
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months before tuesday's baltimore key bridge collapse. the first black woman to serve as marilyn port commissioner is the founder of a consulting practice that provides workforce diversity, equity and inclusion consulting. as for other qualifications, she also hosts a global discussion podcast and volunteers for the maryland democratic party. without pointing fingers, simply pointing out that misdirected resources behind a massive and complicated recovery cleanup and rebuilding process. meantime many new yorkers have stopped paying their property taxes. estate is estimated to reach $880 million in unpaid taxes this year. over 30% more than three years ago. city officials attribute the trend to the end of a program that punishes negligence. the city's finance commissioner says it's not just the absolute dollar amount that i think should worry us all, it's people realizing that there are no consequences for not paying your property taxes. as americans prepare to celebrate easter and passover,
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new polling suggests that church attendance has sunk to historic lows. joining us to talk about why, fox news contributor pastor robert from the church and dollars. was put the pull on the screen. do you attend religious services? every week, 21%, almost every week nine and it goes down the line until never at 31%. we know they will come back on sunday but how do you get them in every week? >> well that's right, this sunday is a time churches will be filled with what we call ceos, christmas and easter's only. but there probably won't be as many this year as in the past because church attendance is declining. there are a lot of reasons for this. i think the main reason is 20 or 30 years ago, people thought you had to go to church and say you believed in god to be considered as a good person. but as our nation has become more secularized, people don't feel that way anymore. they don't feel like they have to put on a religious charade
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and mouth things they really don't believe are true. and so what you are saying is churches have fewer attendees who are true believers and fewer who are pseudo-believers. that's not altogether a bad thing. i think the church is more effective when it has more true believers. but at the same time, we need to be going out and sharing the good news of jesus christ and god will continue to work in the hearts of people who need to know him. >> trace: speaking of sharing news, your op-ed drops on sunday, what easter matters go live easter sunday. people are drawn to easter because it offers the answer to life's most important question, when i die will i live again? what's the overall message here pastor? >> the messages there is life beyond the grave. that's what we want to know, there is life beyond the grave for those who know christ. i quote that op-ed golf champion who said my christian faith doesn't answer all of my problems, it does not solve
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every issue that i have but it does hold the answer to the 6-foot hole in the ground. when they were all going to face that 6-foot hole, the grave. but easter gives those in answer to it, it's jesus christ to said i am the resurrection... yet shall he live again and that's what easter matters. >> trace: we covered a revival last night at the university of alabama and here's one of the students, watch. >> i saw thousands of college campus students, from my own campus coming together to praise our lord and savior. it's clear now more than ever that our generation is hungry for jesus and the hope, love and joy that he brings. >> trace: i have to go but it seems like young people are migrating toward faith. >> they are. it shows that the gospel is relevant to everyone, whether it's college students in alabama in 2024 were jews in jerusalem 2000 years ago, the gospel is
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for everyone. >> trace: pastor, dr, happy easter to you, thank you for coming on. >> happy easter to you, trace, thank you. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: first up in tonight's viral videos, a flock of ducks along with a kangaroo took over a couple yards in australia. the local wildlife wreak -- frequently hang out in the neighborhood during the day and returned to the bush in the evening. and an emotional father shared this video if his teenage daughters car, a horrible accident left a guardrail impaled through the driver side of the vehicle. the car flipped upside down, miraculously his daughter climbed out through a back window with only a few scratches. he says he's thanking god for keeping her safe. we are reaching out to the family to see if they will share their story with us on "fox news @ night". coming up, we've all seen hidden fees tacked on to our hotel bills, airline ticket costs et cetera but would you ever expect to show up at a bar and have on your tab a utilities
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tax? for the tvs to be on. would you ever go back? would you pay it? would you come back? would you come back? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher. we are coming back t lasts. [♪♪] [♪♪most sce] no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ )
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: back with a nightcap group.
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tonight's topic, extra charge. our stage manager recently visited fights sports grill where he was shocked to see a utility tax on the bill. when he asked about the taxi was told it was help to keep the lights on, the tvs on, keep the place running. is it okay for bars to charge a utility tax or should they be putting their own darn electric bill? >> look, i do not like surprise billing, whether it's my health care or my food prices so i think they need to foot the bill. i'd rather you increase to that solid price then surprise me at the end of my meal with this bill. >> trace: i'm not paying to keep your television on, i'm sorry to say. julie we. >> i have a lot of clients who are in small hospitality that own small businesses, small restaurants and bars. >> trace: you won't support the businesses are you? [ laughter ]
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>> i think they could wrap it into the prices but people might not want to come because the prices are too high. >> trace: peers are already 12 bucks a pop. >> i agree if it's a -- if it's a small fee you may not notice. maybe it's okay. >> trace: we have one lawyer saying i'm in favor of it, the other, what's your thought? >> i have a problem with it being disguised or hidden. i think it needs to be clearly communicated before i eat there and before i order food what this service charge or utility charges going for. does it affect tipped? do i still leave a tip of the service charges helping pay the bills? i have a lot of questions but business owners can set their prices and charge fees, they just need to communicate it. >> trace: okay, megan mccarthy. >> if i had my friends over for a barbecue i would not charge them for coming to my house. >> trace: keep the barbecue on. kevin. >> next they will have internet
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charges. you sat here and you had a coffee, pay an extra -- stop, just stop. >> trace: here's the poll. is it a good thing? yes seven%. j says this is ridiculous, next there will be attacks to use the bathroom. caroline, absolutely not, it's called overheads. allen, leave the lights off,'s keep my beer cold. barb, just be honest your patrons and let them know why you raised the prices. katrina, says it's okay if they are charging that not to raise the price. luca, that comes off the tip then. then. thank you for watching america's late news, have a great weekendi and happney easter and we will e you monday. e is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa!
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♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. >> neil: thanks for re [♪♪] [♪♪] >> hello everyone, i'ms al jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, kennedy and greg gutfeld.ty this i as "the 5".


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